Effective 17 July 2020 EVERYTHING on the website is FREE Shipping.
We offer FREE shipping in the 'lower 48' on all Metal Art 12x18 and larger. Metal Art that is larger than 48 inches must be shipped in a wooden crate. We will discuss this with you in detail as you're going through the process of choosing and purchasing your art. We offer FREE shipping on Canvas Art 16x24 and larger. Please note that we do not make a single penny from shipping. If a shipping charge somehow comes in at less than we quoted you, then we will either refund the remainder back to you or donate it to a charity of your choice. There IS a shipping charge on images that are printed on traditional photo paper and on wood. Details can be found here. We take your purchase very seriously, and we are incredibly appreciative of your business. Thank you.
William Edwin Willis + 619.496.8231 +